Five Lies You Hear about Animated Marketing Videos


Online video marketing has massively changed over the years, especially during more recent times. Video is now far from something only available to a handful of businesses. In fact, it’s something mandatory for entrepreneurs that want to maintain a steady pace or even get ahead of the competition. And one thing’s for sure when it comes to video – such content will only become more and more popular.

Considering this change, there are a few things to which skeptics should pay attention to. The unbelievers usually have the “My business don’t need no video” attitude and if you were to ask a few questions regarding video, you will find out they believe in misconceptions. Below are the most common five misconceptions about video and the factual explanation of each one.

1. Video costs too much

This is the first argument a skeptic will bring about when it comes to video investments. Truth is that such a mindset is a rather short-sighted one. Indeed, online video is costly on short term but you need to put it in perspective and see what is the potential ROI that video enables – you will convince yourself that it can go off the chart, proving that it’s the best sales booster currently available in the marketing industry.

This argument is the most harmful one because people tend to think only about the short-term costs and they fail to see the actual long-term revenue potential. That being said, this all depends on getting the best possible video for your business. And for this you need a good video specialist, and a good script.

2. Explainer videos are just a gimmick

This is a misconception that we are actually a bit more sympathetic with. In the end, nobody wants to redirect funds towards a marketing strategy that doesn’t pay off; we all want methods that have proved to be successful and haven’t become popular overnight.

This being said, you should understand that a marketing video is actually opposite to a gimmick: video became a pillar of marketing, along with SEO, social media and blogging. It’s been around for some time. But only recently took off as production costs are going down. So, do you want to keep your audience interested and educated, while giving them a good reason to take action? Consider video as the solution for this.

3. My business doesn’t need a video

This is a popular argument, as well, with a really simple response: “Actually, your business does need a marketing video because”:

  • About 80% of a website’s visitors are more likely to watch a video instead of reading a block of text. 80% is a huge majority.
  • About 50% of viewers are far more likely to become customers after watching your video

Now let these values sink in…

4. They aren’t that effective

This argument was addressed already, but it won’t hurt to repeat it a bit. People actually expect you to provide easily understandable content and a serious Call to Action. Visual content, like videos, can be the perfect channel. Your search engine results, conversion rates and ultimately sales benefit from video investments. It’s also much more accessible on mobile devices than traditional content.

5. Videos are overdone

This is somewhat opposite to the previous argument, but the gimmicky idea of a video is a common denominator of the two. If video specialists can only convince you of a single thing today, it’s that video content is not a fad.

It’s true, there is more and more video content on the web and it seems that the Internet is becoming saturated. However, this should only motivate you even more to have your own video, otherwise you will be left behind in this race.

Silly argument? Well, the fact is, people expect it!

But before looking at what everyone in the world is doing, here’s my advice: look at your niche, your direct competitors. Are they doing it? Can you do it better? Whatever your niche would be, whatever product you sell and whichever service you provide, you need to make use of video content if you want to improve sales and user engagement.


Victor Antiu

Victor has spent the last few years building web applications and marketing campaigns for companies across the world. When video marketing became popular, he realized the unexplored potential of this industry and decided to build a community around it: Videolance!

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