Facts about online video in 2014: compared to Q2 2013, there’s a 43% increase in online video content views. Online TV has also increased in demand by 388%.
Hoping to reach $100 million in revenue, Yahoo-owned Tumblr is launching sponsored video ads that have already attracted brands such as Universal Pictures, Hulu and Lexus.
Instagram’s video ads option is functional and available to advertisers – the social network will provide 15-second autoplay ad spots to advertisers like Activision, Disney and Banana Republic.
Here are the common mistakes marketers do by not employing video marketing campaigns and the reasons video advertising deserves your attention.
Animated videos are now widely available. In fact, a marketing video is mandatory for entrepreneurs that want to get keep up or even get ahead of the competition.
The music-streaming service Spotify is launching a new ad product: video ads. The new feature allows listeners to watch an ad in exchange for 30 minutes.
Video specialists have learned much about video gaming fans and they’ve reached a few conclusions: one of them is that viewers have a high engagement rate…